Hispanic culture is full of lively music, bright colors, and delicious foods. In most Latin American countries, the pace of daily life is slower, and friends and neighbors still sit outside
and greet those who pass by. But behind the relaxed and warm demeanor are people in desperate need of hearing the gospel and giving their hearts to Christ. God is helping HIM make disciples among Hispanics both here in the United States and in Central America.
In this video series you will hear from various missionaries as they share how they are seeing the lives of Hispanics transformed by the power of the gospel.
Video Series Plan and Resources
Most of the current resources needed for the Engage Spanish Ministries services are found below. As the months progress, further resources will be added. Please feel free to download and use to enhance your service. For the Service Leader’s Guide contact the HIM office.
Month 1: Something New – How Will God Use You?
Month 1 Themed PowerPoint Image
General Engage Spanish Ministries Powerpoint Image

Month 2: Expanding through Church Planting
Month 2 Themed PowerPoint Image
General Engage Spanish Ministries Powerpoint Image

Month 3: God at Work in Latin America!
Month 3 Themed PowerPoint Image
General Engage Spanish Ministries Powerpoint Image

Month 4: Showing Christ’s Love by Meeting Needs
Month 4 Themed PowerPoint Image
General Engage Spanish Ministries Powerpoint Image

Month 5: Bringing Hope to Broken People
Month 5 Themed PowerPoint Image
General Engage Spanish Ministries Powerpoint Image

Month 6: A Gift that Keeps on Giving
Month 6 Themed PowerPoint Image
General Engage Spanish Ministries Powerpoint Image

Month 7: Go and Make Disciples
Month 7 Themed PowerPoint Image
General Engage Spanish Ministries Powerpoint Image

Month 8: Where Do We Go from Here?
Month 8 Themed PowerPoint Image
General Engage Spanish Ministries Powerpoint Image

Engage Spanish Ministries Brochure