Wesley and Janna Cressman Family – Spain

Wesley and Janna Cressman Family – Spain

Wesley and Janna Cressman FamilyAfter serving in Tegucigalpa, Honduras, from 2016 through 2022, God clearly opened many doors for the Cressman family—Wesley, Janna, Ella and Carter—to transition to Spain to begin a new work for HIM Europe while still ministering with Spanish-speaking people. This is an exciting time for both HIM and the Cressmans.

Wesley graduated from Penn View Bible Institute in 2001 with a major in elementary education. Prior to moving to Honduras, he served as teacher and later principal in a Christian school for eleven years.

Janna graduated from God’s Bible School and College in 2001 with a major in Christian teacher dducation. She graduated from Mount Vernon Nazarene University in 2009 with a master’s degree in education, curriculum and instruction. Janna has been involved in Christian education serving as teacher, assistant principal, and college instructor.

Ella is in the fourth grade and enjoys reading and listening to books, writing stories, and learning about animals. She also loves to speak and sing in Spanish.

Carter will be starting kindergarten in the fall of 2023. He loves to help mommy and daddy in the kitchen or to fold the laundry. He also loves to be read to and play with pretend animals.

The next term of service for the Cressman family will be in Barcelona, Spain, starting in 2023. This first term will be a time of adjusting to a new culture and assisting in local congregations. Wesley will also be learning about and observing discipleship groups. It is Wesley’s desire to disciple men to follow Jesus who will in turn go and make disciples. Janna will continue her texting women’s ministry and work in children’s ministry.

Isaiah 43:19 says, “See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.”

A Note from the Cressmans

“We as a family want to share Jesus through our love to those with whom we come in contact. However we cannot do that without your prayers and support. We know many do both, and we are grateful. Thank you!”

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