At the age of 13 Eric felt God’s call to be a missionary to Honduras. He immediately began preparing for ministry by getting involved in local outreach, becoming bus captain at his church, and studying guitar and Spanish.
Eric and Hannah met while studying at Penn View Bible Institute in Pennsylvania. As a junior in high school Hannah felt God’s call to the mission field. She struggled with answering the call for almost a year. Having grown up in Jordan for sixteen years of her life, she wanted to live the American Dream. Her goal was to become a famous doctor, own a red corvette convertible, and travel the world. God’s will crashed with her personal plans. During a school revival in Cincinnati, Ohio, she finally surrendered to God and told Him that she was willing to go wherever He wanted to send her. He eventually led her to Penn View to study missions.
Eric and Hannah were married in 2004 and signed up with Hope International Missions in 2006 to be missionaries in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Their ministry focus has been church planting, discipleship, and training. God has blessed them with three church plants and continues to open new doors of ministry. They are currently serving as Director of HIM Latin America.
The Kuhns’ have been blessed with two boys: Joseph (15) and Daniel (10).
Philosophy of Ministry
Eric and Hannah are endeavoring to plant Bible based churches across the Latino world. It is through the church that Christ has chosen to propagate His message of salvation and holiness. As they increase the number of churches, they increase the number of places where people can have an encounter with God; they expand the body of Christ and strengthen the bombardment against the gates of Hell.
As churches are planted disciples and leaders are trained with the goal that they will become responsible administrators and overseers of these new works and that they in turn will catch the vision of expanding God’s kingdom.
A Note from the Kuhns
Carl F. H. Henry said it well, “The gospel is only good news if it gets there in time.” We have one life to live. One chance to do something that will count for eternity. We are constantly being bombarded by things that are clamoring for our time and money. But in all our busyness may we not forget that there are souls who still need the good news, and it is only good when it gets to them in time. If you feel that God is calling you to missions, be obedient and receptive to the Holy Spirit. There is so much work to be done and so little time. If you are not called to go, then hear the call to give and get behind missionaries who are on the front lines. Missions must be a team effort. Some must go but all must give and all must pray. Let us fervently work while it is day and bring the good news to the lost and dying before it is too late.
“Thank you to all who have lifted us faithfully to the throne of Grace. Your prayers have kept us safe and made us effective. Thank you to all who give. Your support keeps the ministry moving forward, growing the church, reaching the lost, and preaching the Word. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!”
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