For centuries the people of Asia have erected literal and figurative walls. Whether because of Communist control in China or superstition surrounding ancestor worship in Taiwan, these walls have been built because of fear. Though it is difficult to break through these barriers, God is helping HIM missionaries do so with the hope of the Gospel.
In this video series you will hear from various missionaries as they share how they are working to make disciples of Christ among the Asian people.
Video Series Plan and Resources
Most of the current resources needed for the Engage Asia services are found below. As the months progress, further resources will be added. Please feel free to download and use to enhance your service. For the Service Leader’s Guide, contact the HIM office.
Month 1: Freedom from Bondage and Fear
Month 1 Themed Powerpoint Image
General Engage Asia Powerpoint Image

Month 2: God is Building His Church
Month 2 Themed Powerpoint Image
General Engage Asia Powerpoint Image

Month 3: Reaching the Next Generation Creatively
Month 3 Themed Powerpoint Image
General Engage Asia Powerpoint Image

Month 4: Evangelizing Through Education
Month 4 Themed Powerpoint Image
General Engage Asia Powerpoint Image

Month 5: “I Have Set Before You an Open Door”
Month 5 Themed Powerpoint Image
General Engage Asia Powerpoint Image

Month 6: Where Do You Fit In?
Month 6 Themed Powerpoint Image
General Engage Asia Powerpoint Image

Engage Asia Brochure