In 1990, God used Joe and Gay Taylor to start Gospel Publishing Mission. Recognizing the power of the written word, the Taylors have published millions of books since their humble beginnings in Papua New Guinea.
At Hope International Missions, we believe firmly in the power of the printed page. Gospel Publishing Mission, HIM’s department of literature development and distribution, does a tremendous job of producing excellent, attractive, easy-to-understand Christian literature because we realize that the written word matters! Through the printed page and other forms of media Gospel Publishing Mission continues to push back the powers of darkness.
In this video series you will hear from those who direct and work for Gospel Publishing Mission as they share how literature is making disciples of Christ around the world.
Video Series Plan and Resources
Most of the current resources needed for the Engage GPM services are found below. As the months progress, further resources will be added. Please feel free to download and use to enhance your service. For the Service Leader’s Guide contact the HIM office.
Month 1: The Power of the Printed Page
Month 1 Themed PowerPoint Image
General Engage GPM PowerPoint Image

Month 2: Publishing the Light…Simply!
Month 2 Themed PowerPoint Image
General Engage GPM PowerPoint Image

Month 3: Spreading the Gospel Through the Written Word
Month 3 Themed PowerPoint Image
General Engage GPM PowerPoint Image

Month 4: Stepping Through the Doors of Opportunity
Month 4 Themed PowerPoint Image
General Engage GPM PowerPoint Image

Month 5: Good News for the Masses
Month 5 Themed PowerPoint Image
General Engage GPM PowerPoint Image

Month 6: Creative Ways to Share the Gospel
Month 6 Themed PowerPoint Image
General Engage GPM PowerPoint Image

Engage GPM Brochure